Firearms Training
All Available Units Standards and Non-Unit Standards that we offer at Tactical Defence Institute. All courses hosted at Magnum United Shooting Range.

Unit Standards


Accredited Training For The Various Levels Of Firearms Licensing
All Prices Exclude Firearms and Ammo


117705: Knowledge of the Firearms Control Act, 2000 (Act No. 60 of 2000)

This category is currently the entry level or “Learning assumed to be in place” for all other Firearm Unit Standards.


Handle and Use Training

119649: Handle and use a Handgun.
119650: Handle and use a self-loading Rifle or Carbine.
119651: Handle and use a manually operated Rifle or Carbine.
119652: Handle and use a Shotgun.

This category is the requirement for private Firearm ownership or first time firearm ownership. In other words these Unit Standards are the equivalent of what is known Internationally as BASIC LEVEL.

R650-00 per Unit Standard.

Handle and Use for Business Purposes - Training

123515: Handle and use a Handgun for Business purposes.
123514: Handle and use a Shotgun for Business purposes.
123511: Handle and use a self-loading Rifle or Carbine for business purposes.
123519: Handle and use a manually operated Rifle or Carbine for business purposes.

This category is applicable to Security guards and anybody else who is issued with a company firearm. This category is for firearms licensed to a company or institution for “business purposes”. What this means is that a Security Officer who carries a Handgun, will be required to complete firstly 117705, then 119649 and then 123515.

R 1000.00 per Unit Standard.

Regulation 21 Training

Reg 21: Price On Request

“To ensure that the security officers issued with firearms undergo at least one practical training session, at the cost of the securiy company, at least every 12 months, or within a shorter period as may be reasonably necessary in the circumstances, in the proper and safe handling of the relevant firearm and ammunition”


“To ensure that the scurity officer issued with a firearm, attends at least one briefing session, at the cos of the security company, at least every 12 months, or within a shorter period as may be reasonably necessary in the circumstances, during which they are properly informed of the relevant legal principals, rules and procedures, and of their legal duties regarding the posession, carrying, safe custody and use of firearms and ammunition issued to the,”

Tactical Proficiency Training

123510: Apply tactical knowledge in the use of firearms. 
123513: Demonstrate tactical proficiency with a Handgun. 
123518: Demonstrate tactical proficiency with a self-loading Rifle or Carbine. 
123512: Demonstrate tactical proficiency with a Shotgun.

This category is intended for all persons who would need to use a firearm/s in a tactical environment. This category can be seen as what is internationally referred to as ADVANCED LEVEL.

10 Day Course
Mon – Fri. R 1750.00 per Unit Standard

Range Officer Course. R2500-00.

Tactical Range Officer Course. R1750-00.

Range Officer Course

123516 : Supervising Shooting Exercises.

This unit standard applies to all persons who will need to supervise the operation of a shooting range or shooting exercises for business or sport purposes. This supervision must ultimately lead to the safe use of a shooting range as a primary objective of this unit standard.

This does not include the requirements for supervision of tactical exercises and range inspection.

R 2 500.00


Tactical Range Officer Course

123517 : Supervise the operation of a shooting range and tactical shooting exercises.

This unit standard applies to persons who will need to supervise the operation of a shooting range or shooting exercises in respect of tactica use of firearms. Benefit to society of this unit standard is that persons who need to supervise tactical training will contribute to the safety of tactical solutions

R 1 750.00


Instructor Course

10 Day Course

Mon – Fri. Includes :

123520 : Supervise Firearm Training.

This unit standard applies to all persons who will need to supervise firearm training at an accredited training institution. This will include civillian, private and public law inforcement. Benefit to society of this unit standard is that persons who conduct training and facilitation will enhance safety conciousness of learners and the public during firearm training.

R 14 500.00


Ethics Training

116483 : Apply Moral Decision Making and Problem Solving.

This unit standard is intended to equip learners with the means to understand moral decisions and peoblems, which will add value to the learners’ working situation.

R 900.00


Targeted Training and Development (Facilitation)

1178870 : Conduct targeted training & development using given Methodologies.

This unit standard will provide recognition for those who conduct or intend to conduct targeted training and development, using given methodologies, including group training, group facilitation and presentations

R 2 500.00


Assessor Training

115753 : Conduct OBE Assessments.

The generic assessor unit standard is for those who assess people for their achievement of learning outcomes in terms of specific criteria using pre-designed assessment instruments.

R 3 000.00

Use of Firearms in Military and Law Enforcement

Elective u/s 2m 120487: Use of firearms in a military and law enforcement environment (Cat 3)

R 1 000.00

Non-Unit Standards

Available Non-Accredited Training

To Build Skills for Every Day Carry, and Tactical Applications For Civilians
All Prices Exclude Firearms and Ammo

Handgun Fundamentals Training

1 Day

300 Rounds

Fundamentals of shooting:

EDC equipment placement and quality

Grip; Hammer Grip & Thumbs up

Stance; Weaver Stance, Isosceles Stance & Hybrid Stance

Sight picture

Wall Drill

One Hole Drill

Re-set Drill

Float the Dot / Press the shot

Flash Sight Picture

Trigger management

Follow through

Holster work

Magazine changes

Emergency Reload

Tactical Reload

Immediate Action Drills

Stove Pipe

Failure to go into battery

Double Feed

R 900.00


Shotgun Fundamentals Training

1 Day

250 Rounds

Fundamentals of shooting:

  1. Shotgun set-up. Slings, accessories, etc.
  2. Grip; 4 Weld points. Shoulder, cheek, neck/pistol grip and fore end.
  3. Stance and mounting the Shotgun
  4. Trigger management
  5. Follow through
  6. Shotgun patterning. A, B & C zones.

Application of different loads at different distances.

  1. Tactical loading of the Shotgun. Keep the beast fed!
  2. Immediate Action Drills

Stove Pipe

Double Feed

  1. Sling work and transitions to secondary firearm

R 900.00


Self-Loading Rifle Fundamentals Training

1 Day

300 Rounds

Fundamentals of shooting:

  1. SLR set-up. Slings, Red dot sights (RDS), Low Power Variable Optics (LPVO), slings, accessories, etc.
  2. Grip; 4 Weld points. Shoulder, cheek, neck/pistol grip and fore end.
  3. Sighting of the SLR. Advantages / disadvantages of different sighting distances.
  4. Stance and mounting the SLR
  5. Trigger management. Breathing during precision shooting.
  6. Follow through
  7. Emergency Reloading vs Tactical loading of the SLR
  8. Immediate Action Drills

Stove Pipe

Double Feed

  1. Sling work and transitions to secondary firearm

R 900.00


CQC (Close Quarters Combat) Training Course

2 Day

You may choose both days or either one of the two days.

The CQC course will cover the following aspects and more that crop up during discussions on range

Day 1              Assessment

Safety and Housekeeping issues

Circle of Defence


Body Alarm Reaction

Equipment Assessment and Discussion

Review of Fundamentals of Shooting.

The Wall Drill

One Hole Drill

Grip, stance, sight picture, trigger control, breathing and follow through.

Holster work

Magazine changes.


Reload with Retention

Tactical Reload

Immediate Action Drills

Getting off the line of attack / Getting off the X

Multiple target engagement.

Contact Distance Shooting

Draw, strike, fire.

Creating space.

Kneeling and Prone Shooting

Shooting on the Move

Shooting, IAD’s and Magazine Changes onthe move

Barricade Shooting / Shooting from cover.

Strong Hand Only manipulation of the handgun.

“Wounded Officer Drill”

Cognitive shooting. Overcoming the effects of adrenalin dump.

Low Light/Night Shooting techniques.

Weapon mounted lights / Handheld lights


Day 2              Open Hand Techniques

Hand Traps

Peel Offs

Finger, thumb, wrist, elbow, and shoulder


Eye gouge, Throat Slam

Thumb Punch

Firearm Disarm Techniques

“Choking the assailant’s gun”

Basic Stick Fighting

Basic Knife Fighting


Equipment requirements:

Open mind

Positive attitude

Shooting glasses

Ear protection

Sun block

Baseball cap

Serviceable Handgun

4 x Mags Minimum

Minimum of 500 rounds for handgun.

Sturdy belt

Strong side holster

Mag pouch/es

Tactical flashlight / torch

Tactical folder/s / knife/s

EDC concealment clothing / jacket

2 x old T-shirts

Liquids and food




Guns and Vehicles Training Course

1 Day

250 Rounds Handgun

Requirement; previously done Handgun Fundamentals / CQC

This course will test your muzzle safe and trigger finger management to the max!

We do not have time to teach you firearm safety and shooting fundamentals on this course! 

We dispel the Hollywood myths about vehicles being effective cover and that bullets follow straight trajectory lines after passing through vehicle glass and body panels

Penetration on body panels using different calibres.

Bullet deflection through vehicle glass.

How different holsters and equipment help or hinder you when trying to defend yourself from inside a vehicle.

Seatbelts, how to work around them.

Solo drills             Multiple target engagement from inside the vehicle.

                                Skip shot under a vehicle and off body panels.

                                Bullet deflection through vehicle glass.

                                Solo de-bussing drills and using the most effective cover around a vehicle.

Team drills          Multiple target engagement from inside the vehicle

                                Team de-bussing drills and using the most effective cover around a vehicle.

                                Communicating with your partner.

                                Unconventional shooting positions around a vehicle.



Long Guns and Vehicles Training Course

1 Day

250 Rounds

Requirement; previously done Handgun Fundamentals / CQC

This course will test your muzzle safe and trigger finger management to the max!

We do not have time to teach you firearm safety and shooting fundamentals on this course!

We dispel the Hollywood myths about vehicles being effective cover and that bullets follow straight trajectory lines after passing through vehicle glass and body panels

Penetration on body panels using different calibres.

Bullet deflection through vehicle glass.

Due to their length long guns present their own set of challenges when used in and around vehicles.

Equipment such as Battle Belts, Load Bearing Vests, Bullet Proof Vests, Plate Carriers all hinder our movement in and around vehicles.

How different slings and equipment help or hinder you when trying to defend yourself from inside a vehicle with a long gun.

Seatbelts, how to work around them.

Solo drills             Multiple target engagement from inside the vehicle.

Skip shot under a vehicle and off body panels.

Bullet deflection through vehicle glass.

Solo de-bussing drills and using the most effective cover around a vehicle.

Unconventional shooting positions around a vehicle.

Team drills          Multiple target engagement from inside the vehicle

Team de-bussing drills and using the most effective cover around a vehicle.

Communicating with your partner.

Unconventional shooting positions around a vehicle.



Advanced Handgun Training

1 Day

500 Rounds

Brief revision of fundamentals

Overhand cocking / power stroke vs slide stop

Shoot with both eyes open

Compressed ready and SUL

Shooting from stationary, kneeling, seated, lying down; front, back, left & right

Threat focus from Low Ready, Singles, Doubles – Controlled and split hammers.

From holster; Getting off the line of attack / getting off the X. Singles – Doubles –

Controlled and split hammers, balance of speed and precision.

Bad Breath shooting – Strike / Draw / Fire

Creating distance

Multiple targets, multiple shot engagement – 2 targets – 3 targets. Failure to stop drills.


Draw – Step – Fire – Scan – Single & Multiple targets – Incorporate IAD’s & mag changes

Pivot turns on the move      – 90 degrees Left & Right

Shooting on the move – forwards / backwards / diagonally left & right / laterally

Box Drill

Figure 8

Wounded Officer Drill

R 900.00


Advanced Shotgun Training

1 Day

300 Rounds

Brief revision of fundamentals

Overhand cocking / power stroke vs slide stop

Shoot with both eyes open

Compressed ready and SUL

Shooting from stationary, kneeling, seated, lying down; front, back, left & right

Threat focus from Low Ready, Singles, Doubles – Controlled and split hammers.

From holster; Getting off the line of attack / getting off the X. Singles – Doubles –

Controlled and split hammers, balance of speed and precision.

Bad Breath shooting – Strike / Draw / Fire

Creating distance

Multiple targets, multiple shot engagement – 2 targets – 3 targets. Failure to stop drills.


Draw – Step – Fire – Scan – Single & Multiple targets – Incorporate IAD’s & mag changes

Pivot turns on the move      – 90 degrees Left & Right

Shooting on the move – forwards / backwards / diagonally left & right / laterally

Box Drill

Figure 8

Wounded Officer Drill

R 900.00


Advanced Self-Loading Rifle Training

1 Day

500 Rounds

Brief revision of fundamentals

Overhand cocking / power stroke vs slide stop

Shoot with both eyes open

Compressed ready and SUL

Shooting from stationary, kneeling, seated, lying down; front, back, left & right

Threat focus from Low Ready, Singles, Doubles – Controlled and split hammers.

From holster; Getting off the line of attack / getting off the X. Singles – Doubles –

Controlled and split hammers, balance of speed and precision.

Bad Breath shooting – Strike / Draw / Fire

Creating distance

Multiple targets, multiple shot engagement – 2 targets – 3 targets. Failure to stop drills.


Draw – Step – Fire – Scan – Single & Multiple targets – Incorporate IAD’s & mag changes

Pivot turns on the move      – 90 degrees Left & Right

Shooting on the move – forwards / backwards / diagonally left & right / laterally

Box Drill

Figure 8

Wounded Officer Drill

R 900.00


Reflexive Shooting

2 Day

600 Rounds

The Reflexive Shooting course is based on close combat experience, this course was developed by the legendary FBI agent Bob Taubert and all drills are executed without sights.

Shooters are brought to levels of accomplishment relative to speed and accuracy that even the most hardened “front sight only” advocate will grudgingly admire.

This course is designed to give the student the shooting skills needed to save your life during an actual shooting, at bad breath distance. Students will learn the benefits of point shooting over sighted fire at extremely close quarters. There is a place for sighted shooting and a place reflexive / unsighted shooting. 


                                   Safety and Housekeeping issues

Circle of Defence


Body Alarm Reaction

Eye, brain and hand interaction / co-ordination

Equipment assessment and discussion


Review of Fundamentals of Shooting;

The Wall Drill

One Hole Drill

Reset drill

Grip, stance, sight picture, trigger control, breathing and

follow through.


Reflexive shooting;


Moving off the line of attack;

Forwards and Backwards

Left and Right laterally

Angles; forward & backwards

Seated; left, right, front, back

Moving and shooting at speed, laterally

Unsighted shooting

Man on man duelling, BB gun and live fire

Low light / no light shooting



Equipment requirements;

                                    Open mind

Positive attitude

Shooting glasses

Ear protection

Sun block

Baseball cap

Serviceable Handgun

4 x Mags Minimum

Minimum of 600 rounds for handgun.

Sturdy belt

Strong side holster

Mag pouch/es

Tactical flash light / torch

Concealment Jacket

Liquids and food

R 1800.00


CQB (Close Quarters Battle) - By Invitation Only



Couples Home Defence





Get in touch!

Any questions relating to the range, training, directions or anything else, get in touch.


R104 Old Bronkhorstspruit Road, Pretoria, 0001,
South Africa. 


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